Our Aged Care Facility is a beautiful modern 33 bed residential care facility accommodating all needs for the ageing with spectacular views over the ocean
High Quality of Care
We provide a high quality of care with the flexibility to meet the needs and preferences of all our residents.
There are 12 single rooms with a sea view, ensuite, air conditioning and built in robes, 12 single rooms with en-suite, air conditioning and built in robes, 9 single rooms with shared ensuite, air conditioning and built in robes. All rooms are of adequate size. We have capacity to cater for couples in a shared room with ensuite.
There are several communal areas – Lounge room and Dining room in the Dinham Wing, outdoor garden seating areas with and without sea views as well as laundry facilities.
The residents and their families are informed monthly through the Sea Horse Times newsletter of Activities which include Bingo, Singing, Church Services, Walks, Talks, Exercise Classes, Lunches and Gardening etc.
Physiotherapy, Speech Pathology, Podiatry, Audiology, Massage, Hairdressing and Optometrist services are also provided. A fee may apply for these services.
As from 1st July 2014 New Residents will have a choice to pay for their accommodation either as a Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD), an equivalent Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP) or a combination of both.
The Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD) is a market price set by our facility and can be discussed with Management.
Market Prices
SINGLE ROOM – with Ensuite
Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD) $350,000.00
Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP) $79.97 per day
$350,000 X MPIR (currently 8.34%) / 365
(MPIR – maximum permissible interest rate)
SHARED ROOM – Shared Bathroom/Toilet
SINGLE ROOM - Shared Bathroom/Toilet
Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD) $300,000.00
Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP) $68.55 per day
$300,000 X MPIR (currently 8.34%) / 365
(MPIR – maximum permissible interest rate)
Example of RAD and DAP (combo payment)
RAD $350,000 – $250,000 (able to be paid by consumer) = $100,000.00
DAP is calculated as follows:
$350,000 – $250,000 = $100,000 x MPIR (currently 8.34%) / 365 = $22.85 per day
(MPIR – maximum permissible interest rate)
You will also be required to pay a Basic Daily Care Fee which equates to 85% of the aged care pension (currently $61.96).
You may also, depending on circumstances, be required to pay a Care Contribution which is determined by the Department of Social Services by an assets and income test. This is capped at $33,309.29 per year and $79,942.44 in a lifetime.
We encourage volunteers and community members to be part of our facility and join in with all of our activities to make it a warm friendly ambiance.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please contact the Diversional Therapy Coordinator, on 88373021.
This facility is accredited by The Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency and complies with all 44 standards. To read our accreditation report go to www.agedcarequality.gov.au/services/ardrossan-community-hostel-6111
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